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Septal resection

Septal resection is a surgical procedure for the removal of “uterine septum.” The uterine septum is a congenital malformation of the uterus. A longitudinal septum divides the uterus into two parts, hindering a woman’s chances of successfully implanting an embryo and carrying a baby.

Problems Caused by Uterine Septum

Recurrent miscarriage – Pregnancy may occur but often leads to miscarriage as the baby cannot grow inside a septate uterus(uterus with septum).

Premature birth may occur in some cases.
The septum is seen in association with abnormalities of the renal system in some cases.

Diagnosis of Uterine Septum

  • Transvaginal Ultrasound
  • MRI
  • Laparoscopy
  • Hysteroscopy

How is Septal Resection Performed?

The procedure is usually performed under anesthesia.

  • The doctor will first dilate (widen) the cervix.
  • The doctor will then insert a hysteroscope into your uterus through your vagina.
  • Saline will be sent into your uterus to clear the surface and help widen, which helps in better visualization.
  • The light and camera at the end of the hysteroscope allow the doctor to see the uterus.
  • Resection is done using scissor or loop.
  • The required corrections are made in the uterus.

What can you Expect After a Septal Resection?

  • You can return to work the following day.
  • You may get spotting for 3-4 days after the procedure.
  • It would help if you used sanitary pads and not tampons.

Our expert gynaecologist Dr. Aneeta Talwar, Best Gynaecologist in Bangalore has successfully performed septal resection for many women and fulfilled their dream of experiencing motherhood.

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