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What is a myomectomy surgery?

A myomectomy is a procedure to remove uterine fibroids (also known as leiomyomas) from your uterus. Fibroids are growths made up of connective tissue and muscle cells. They can appear inside/outside your uterus. They’re almost always benign. You can have one or many fibroids, which can vary in size. During a myomectomy, your surgeon removes the fibroids but preserves the tissues in your uterus so that you can become pregnant.

What does myomectomy treat?

Your healthcare provider may recommend myomectomy surgery if you have uterine fibroids that are causing:

  • Pelvic pain.
  • Irregular bleeding or bleeding between periods.
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding.
  • Not being able to empty your bladder fully.

Myomectomy surgery is a good option if you wish to become pregnant in the future and want to preserve your fertility.

What are my treatment options if I have fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are extremely common, and some don’t require any treatment. Your treatment depends on a few factors:

  • Your symptoms.
  • The size, location, and number of fibroids.
  • Your preferences (desire to become pregnant in the future or have a menstrual period).

Surgery isn’t the only treatment option. Medication may also an option for treating uterine fibroids. Taking medication may reduce the symptoms of fibroids and shrink their size. Other treatment options include uterine artery embolization or radiofrequency ablation. Your provider will recommend the best treatment option based on your health history and preferences.

Are there different types of myomectomy?

Yes, there are three main types of myomectomy:

  • Open myomectomy (or abdominal myomectomy).
  • Minimally invasive laparoscopic or robotic myomectomy.
  • Hysteroscopic myomectomy.

What type of myomectomy to have is based on several factors, including:

  • Fibroid size.
  • The number of fibroids.
  • Where in your uterus the fibroids are located?

Open myomectomy

A surgeon performs an open myomectomy (abdominal myomectomy) through a cut (incision) in your belly (abdomen). The incision may go up and down or across. This procedure may be the best option for huge fibroids because the surgeon can see all your pelvic organs. Recovery after an open myomectomy is similar to any other major surgery. Recovery will include the following:

  • A few days in the hospital.
  • Up to six weeks at home before you feel 100%.

Minimally invasive laparoscopic myomectomy

There are several types of minimally-invasive options for a myomectomy. These surgeries generally have quicker recovery times and are easier on your body.

Your healthcare provider may recommend a myomectomy to remove uterine fibroids causing symptoms like irregular vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain. The type of myomectomy you’ll have depends on the size and location of the fibroids. It’s not the only way to treat fibroids, so be sure to talk to your provider about the risks and benefits of the procedure.

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