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Fertility enhancing surgery (For female infertility)

Fertility Enhancing Surgeries

We can treat and correct a lot of infertility related issues with the help of advancements in medical science. Infertility conditions like endometriosis, PCOD, blocked fallopian tubes, fibroids, dermoid, etc., affect the ability of a woman to conceive naturally.
These infertility problems disturb the normal function of the women’s reproductive system and affect the chances of getting pregnant naturally.

What are Fertility Enhancing Surgeries?

Fertility Enhancing surgeries are surgeries that help to enhance or restore fertility in women with infertility conditions like fibroids, endometriosis, dermoid, adhesions, PCOD, etc., affect a woman’s fertility.

With the help of these surgeries and procedures, we can correct such infertility issues in women. Expert gynecology surgeons treat and manage such conditions by choosing the right surgery based on the patient’s issue and overall health.

Types of Fertility Enhancing Surgeries

There are two major types of fertility-enhancing surgeries:

1. Laparoscopy
Laparoscopy is an advanced surgical procedure used to diagnose and correct various conditions. It helps diagnose different infertility conditions and treat some of them.
It is a minimally invasive procedure that uses the insertion of a thin tube through a small incision on the abdomen. This thin tube is called a laparoscope, with a light and a camera at the top.
Soon, the surgeon has a clear view of any abnormal changes inside the body. Sometimes, a tissue sample is also collected to send for a biopsy.

2. Hysteroscopy
A Hysteroscopy is a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure to examine the shape of the uterine lining and cavity. In this procedure, we use a viewing tool with a light and a camera on the top.

It is called a hysteroscope, through which we can see the uterine lining on the video screen. During this procedure, the tip of the hysteroscope is inserted into the vagina and moved to the uterus through the cervix.

Once the hysteroscope reaches the uterus, a surgeon can look for possible abnormal changes in the uterine cavity on the video screen. This way, some infertility conditions such as uterine adhesions, polyps, or growths can be diagnosed and treated with a Hysteroscopy procedure.

Treatments through a Laparoscopy and a Hysteroscopy

Through Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy, surgeons can diagnose and treat various infertility problems:

  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Adhesions
  • Fibroids
  • PCOS
  • Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Please book an appointment today and discuss your issues with our expert
Dr. Aneeta Talwar, Best Gynaecologist in Bangalore.

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